How to Manage Life in Uncertain COVID-19 Times


The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted normal life all over the world. Essential items are out of stock in stores and supermarkets, and people are resorting to hoarding large amounts of food and supplies in fear. Millions of people have lost their jobs and sources of income, and are facing an uncertain future.

To deal with this situation, you should try to maintain control over your emotions as well as your finances and not let fear get a hold on you. Be assured that this shall also pass. However, it’s difficult to stay calm when you have to deal with volatile interest rates, fluctuating stock markets and a lot of uncertainty about important aspects of your life. In this article, we give you tips on how you can manage the “controllables” in your life during this dire situation.

Organize Your Personal Finances

If COVID-19 has claimed your job, be optimistic that unemployment is only for a temporary period. Reduce your expenses and make practical monthly budget decisions. For instance, you can replace cable payments with cheaper streaming platforms such as YouTube, Hulu or Sling.

Enjoy the Downtime

Unwind from the stress by reading books, playing board games with your family, having online coffee dates or book club readings with friends, and more. There are many possibilities. Seek old acquaintances and friends online.

Seek Solace in Spirituality

If religion and spirituality comfort you, then find the online services of churches or spiritual centers in order to can gain peace of mind and calmness in these troubled times.

Think Positively

Have an affirmative and healthy attitude, and don’t lose hope. Don’t get caught in the cycle of self-pity, fears, and worries. Avoid dwelling too much on the problems. Positive thinking can help you manage stress and will boost your mental productivity. Utilize your critical thinking skills and logic to overcome fear and other negative emotions.

Maintain Your Fitness

Go for daily jogs or walks but make sure to maintain social distancing. Exercise can do wonders for your mental and physical well-being. Get your daily dose of fresh air and boost your immunity to combat this deadly virus. Get lots of sound sleep and consume a balanced diet.

Give Back to Society

This is a wonderful chance to help the needy. Get groceries for neighbors who have been afflicted, send cards to provide support to healthcare workers in local hospitals, offer generous tips to delivery persons and so on. Use this time to display your appreciation to the people who help you manage the difficulties caused by this pandemic.

Take a Break from Troubling News

The news channels and social media are full of upsetting and stressful stories. Therefore, avoid reading and viewing too much information about the pandemic and consume your facts in smaller doses.

Wrap Up

Stressful situations bring out different reactions in different people. The COVID-19 outbreak has created real concerns and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the uncontrollable aspects. Remember that you aren’t powerless, and you can control your attitude and actions. Remain calm, think about the good things in life, and manage your life and activities in a confident and purposeful manner to overcome these uncertain times.

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